Pet Photography Advice

The photographs on the left hand side above are great examples of good photography that would be ideal to work from. On the right hand side, the photos are not so good. Let me explain why ...

The Cat - on the left you can see the eyes and facial details in great detail. On the right, the cat is obscured by the arm and hand draped over it.

The Dog - in the left hand photo once again there is great detail I could work from. Whereas in the photo on the right, the owner is obscuring a lot of the dog e.g. I cannot see the shape of the face or the ear on one side as these are hidden

The Horse - this photo provides me with perfect detail as I can see facial features and the bridlework clearly. The photo on the right has been taken from too far away for me to work from.

If you have photos that have been taken by a professional photographer that you would like me to use, I will need to get the permission of that photographer to use their photos. Therefore I will need their name and contact details to request permission directly from them.

Alternatively, if you have lots of photos stored on your phone - then you can send me a selection and together we will choose the best photo for your pet portrait. You just need to ensure it gives an accurate representation of their true colourings and has enough detail for me to work from. 

If you intend to take some photos yourself, I recommend the following:

  1. Take the photos outside in natural light as opposed to indoors. Or, as close to a natural light source as possilbe
  2. Try taking the photos when your pet is a bit sleepy - especially if they are inclined to be a tad hyperactive
  3. With cats and dogs, try whistling or rustling a treat bag to get them to look round - if you're lucky you'll get a few seconds to take some pics
  4. Horses - not easy I know. I find that something mildly spooky or that looks like food will get those ears pricked and their eyes wide open! They always look better with their head at a angle or, side on
  5. Have patience. Prepare to take a whole LOAD of photos until you get that half decent shot! If it all goes a bit wrong - breathe - and try again another time 
  6. For cats and dogs - get down to their level for the very best view of them. Take your time and go to them - don't ask them to come to you
  7. Focus on the eyes. I need the most amount of detail around the eyes - as this can really make or break a portrait

If you want further advice - contact me and I'll be happy to send you some links to articles I have saved on this topic.


"Opening that portrait made my day/week/year. Best gift ever!" Happy customer quote.